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Format and Conventions

Date and Time

The following formats are used for date and time:

File Date

YYYYmmdd i.e. 20230224

File Date Time

YYYYmmdd_HHMMSS i.e. 20230224_200720

File Date Time Millisecond

YYYYmmdd_HHMMSSsss i.e. 20230224_200720546

ISO Extended Date

YYYY-mm-dd i.e. 2023-02-24

ISO Extended Text

string example 2023-Feb-24

ISO Extended Time

HH:MM:SS i.e. 20:07:20

ISO Extended Time Millisecond

HH:MM:SS.sss i.e. 20:07:20.546

ISO Extended Date Time

YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS i.e. 2023-02-24T20:07:20

ISO Extended Date Time Millisecond

YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.sss i.e. 2023-02-24T20:07:20.546

Text Markup

A markup language is a text-encoding system consisting of a set of symbols inserted in a text document. In Zene, the mark-up text is used to replace the text with the value of the variable.

The mark-up text is enclosed in ^< and >^, with a function name and a parameter in the middle.


i.e. ^<DATE_TIME("ISOExtDate")>^ will be replaced with 2023-02-24

See [Mark-up Text Input](./13-Tools - Process/ for more information on how to add mark-up text to the text input.

Date and time

Replaces the text with the date and time value.

ISO Extended Date


See ISO Extended Date.

ISO Extended Text


See ISO Extended Text.

ISO Extended Time


See ISO Extended Time.

ISO Extended Time Millisecond


See ISO Extended Time Millisecond.

ISO Extended Date Time


See ISO Extended Date Time.

ISO Extended Date Time Millisecond


See ISO Extended Date Time Millisecond.

Tool Results

Markup to replace the text with the tool result.

Get all the results

^<TOOL_RESULT_ALL({Tool key}, {Include frame })>^

Get all the results of the tool using the tool's key. The result will be returned as a JSON format string. If the include frame is true, the frame image will be included in the result as a base64 string.

For example, if the tool key for the Object detection tool is 9 and the include frame is true, the following mark-up text:

^<TOOL_RESULT_ALL("9", true)>^

It will be replaced with the following JSON string:

"ResVisObjDet": {
"runSuccess": false,
"runStatus": 0,
"runMsg": "",
"frameOverlay": "base64_encoding_here",
"boxes": [
[0, 0, 10, 20],
[12, 06, 100, 124]
"classLabels": [
"confs": [


The result will be different depending on the tool.

Get an individual result

To get an individual result, the following mark-up text is used:

^<TOOL_RESULT_INDIV({Tool key}, {Tool result name})>^

For example, if the tool key for the Object detection tool is 9 and the result name is classLabels, the following mark-up text:

^<TOOL_RESULT_INDIV("9", "classLabels")>^

It will be replaced with the following JSON string:

"classLabels": [

Criteria Results

Get all the results

Similar to the tool results, the following mark-up text is used to get all the criteria results:


Get an individual result

Similar to the tool results, the following mark-up text is used to get an individual criteria result:

^<CRI_RESULT_INDIV({Criteria result name})>^